Designed by God

Designed by God

In book- one, “Heaven’s Chambers,” I write in chapter 22 (Baby Spirit Chamber) about a vision Jesus, and I watched together while I was having chamber time. I will share with you the short version. Jesus and I were standing in front of my chamber window. My window turned into a movie screen and there I saw a large, beautiful silo and inside this silo were little lights which looked like tiny comets. These little lights were zooming in all directions and were making cooing noises like a newborn baby. There were billions and billions of them which were countless. Jesus shared with me that these were called baby spirits and the Father created them and placed them in here until each baby spirit was sent to earth through the intimacy between a man and a woman.

This new visual revelation happened in 2011 and six years later in 2017, I was again in my Chamber room with Jesus. I saw these same baby spirit lights, but they were living or existing inside of God. God is a huge brilliant bright light with the form of a man around this light and these baby spirits could come out from the inside of God and move to sit on the outside of God, they were alive. God is light and these were little lights at least that is my best interpretation of them. When it is time to be conceived on the earth God will send a baby spirit or attach His baby spirit to a man’s sperm which gains entrance into a female egg and the egg divides and new life begins.

You and I, our inner parts of our bodies were designed and created by God as it’s declared in Psalm 139: 13,15 “You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body and knit me together in my mother’s womb.” and “You watched me as I was being formed in utter seclusion, as I was woven together in the dark of the womb.”

In 2019 Jesus again expanded more of this revelation to me as I was in my chamber with Him, I saw myself or what I interpret as like the design or blue print of me held inside of God in a baby spirit. My Father took me from within himself and then sat me on the outside of His lap. He then revealed to me what was written in His book about my life on earth as it declares in verse 16 of Psalm 139 “You saw me before I was born, every day of my life was recorded in your book. Every moment was laid out before a single day had passed.” Then God asked me, “Do you choose to go?” It was my own little free will to make that choice to go to earth. Jesus also knew His life and crucifixion on the earth before He was sent to earth as a little baby to grow within Mary’s womb. Jesus said, Yes to His Father to go to earth to be the ultimate sacrifice so we can go home to the Father.

You and I were designed inside of God, so to speak it’s like our design, our blueprint was held in a little baby spirit of God, in Heaven, before we were formed in our mother’s womb and born to live on the earth. You are valuable to God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. Verses 17 and 18 in Psalm 139 declares, “How precious are your thoughts about me, O God! They are innumerable! I can’t even count them; they outnumber the grains of sand! And when I wake up in the morning, you are still with me!”

I encourage you to go up and into your own chamber dwelling place to receive many new revelations from your Father, who knitted you together in your mother’s womb. Have a Great God Day and rise up as the pure and spotless Bride of Christ. Heaven and Earth are able to be glued as one in your life so you will live in the power of His Glory on earth as well as in Heaven.

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