Change is coming to my children. The wind of change will blow into the lives of my children.

Will you flow along with my change? or will you block it out.

My change will produce my results in the lives of my children. Can you hear my Spiritual Wind blowing into your ears? My children will Listen, and my children will hear it. My children will hear my words which are swirling within my wind.

Listen, and you will hear my words as I will blow them into your ears. My words will swirl around into your ears for you to hear them. But those who are deaf to my words will also be dumb, they will not listen, and they will not understand what my words are saying to them. My words are important. Listen to them. Obey what my words are asking you to do.

My wind of words will take my children to the place they need to be. I will plant my children firmly in my soil in the place they will need to be.

The enemy is also blowing in his wind of confusion. His wind, will try to blow my children in the wrong direction. Do not Listen to the enemies words! Listen to my words.

My words will carry my children to where I desire for them to be. I will plant them firmly in the soil. They will not be blown away!

In 2 Kings 2:1-2, it says, “When the Lord was about to take Elijah up to heaven in a whirlwind, Elijah and Elisha were traveling from Gilgal. And Elijah said to Elisha, “Stay here, for the Lord has told me to go to Bethel.”

I believe this wind of change is about traveling, not only in the spiritual realm but also on the earth. It is about traveling to another land, city, town, state, country etc… Jay and I, do travel in the spiritual realm, but we have traveled to another land, a land called, Asheville, North Carolina. In 2010, we heard God’s voice, His words in His whirlwind, and we chose to obey. And on April 24, 2011, we were planted in the soil of our Promised Land. And as we continue to hear His words, we continue to travel, every day, going to where ever His wind of words blows us.


  1. Larry Wahler

    Carla and I have felt we were directed to TN for the same reason. To help others, to pass on the word of GOD and to live for him. We are not supposed to be here. Thank you for this Jamie!

    • Jamie Wilson

      Thank You for your honesty. We are all in this together and together the Lord will release you both to go. God will deliver all who are seeking to be set free from the enemy who is trying to stop them from going. Love You, guy’s.

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