What happened?

What happened?

Today is 4-16-19, in the wee hours of this morning as I was sound asleep and just like that God opened up my eyes. I heard God speak as He was sitting upon His throne. I immediately saw a beautiful creamed colored parchment paper unfold itself and flow down. The flowing of the paper was never ending. The words God was speaking to me were also being written in an elegant script on the beautiful parchment paper, simultaneously. The words I heard were causing my heart to feel sad, yet, encouraged me at the same time. When God finished, I looked at my clock on my nightstand and it was 4:06 a.m., this experience lasted one hour in earth time but only a few minutes in heaven’s time. Below are some of the words God has given me permission to address to all believers in the body of Christ.

I God, look down upon the earth and see only a few of my Brides moving in my body. “Where are all my Brides?” I have proposed to each and every believer, “Why will you not extend out your hand to accept my proposal of marriage to become my Bride?” There are only a handful of Brides, but soon there will be a bushel full, then a barn full, and soon my Brides will fill my earth, moving in my power and glory!

I will ask you over and over again, “Will you today accept my proposal of marriage? Will you move to the land of promise I have chosen for you to live in, to be my glory, to engage in spiritual warfare, to free all people who are inside or outside of my body?”

I look down upon my church and I see great darkness inside many of your churches, buildings, synagogues, cathedrals and temples. Blood of the innocent is being spilled upon my alters, hidden sins are rising up to me. I smell their stench. I see the activity of your hidden sins. I know what is inside of your minds, your souls, your hearts and what you do with your bodies. Nothing is hidden from me your God, Your Father who created you and brought you into being. I sent you from my heaven to live upon my earth. I did not send you to earth to fight, to gossip, to slander or to hurt each other. I sent each and every one of you to Unite together as one in my Love.

I Love you so….. I am a jealous God, a just God. I will shine my glorious light into every person to bring forth their darkness, to be known. Allow my light to expose your deeds of rebellion, your deeds of adultery, your deeds of fornication, your deeds of idol worship. Allow me to expose all of your deeds of sin which hide inside each of your minds, your souls, your hearts, your bodies. I will wash you clean. I will wash you until you are my pure and spotless white Bride.

Come to me my beloved, except my proposal of marriage, extend your hand out to me. I will slip my engagement ring upon your finger, I will marry you, my beloved bride.

Psalm 32:5 (NLT) “Finally, I confessed all my sins to you and stopped trying to hide them. I said to myself, “I will confess my rebellion to the Lord.” And you forgave me! All my guilt is gone.

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