Words I heard while I was in my Heavenly Chamber.

The Tides are Turning on the Earth!

Evil is being Swallowed up – Right before your eyes

Keep your eyes on the Father – Who is the One True Triune God

A God who will give you clear vision- for Today – for Tomorrow – for everyday to come

Fill your eyes with Faith

Believe in what you can not see – just because you do not see it – does not mean it hasn’t Happened

It is Happening!

Soon – the World will see it All

Woe unto the evil acts of men – They will not Escape – God’s Justice is for Certain

The scales have been Tipped in the favor of God’s True People who obey Him

They are the Victorious Ones – The Chosen Ones

Who will lead the way in the Spirit of Victory!

The meaning of the word Victorious is…… Having won a Victory; Triumphant. ” A Victorious Army”

True People of God, We are the People who are the Victorious Army of God, We will have Victory!

Why will we have Victory? This is why……

“Thine O Lord, is the Greatness and the Power, and the Glory, and the Victory and the Majesty: for All that is in the Heaven and in the Earth is thine; Thine is the Kingdom, O Lord, and thou art exalted as Head Above All.” 1 Chronicles 29:11 (KJB)

Words are extremely important! And In the Prophetic words that God has given to us we see The Word Victory and the word All.

God is telling us we will win by implementing the “Spirit of Victory” and that The “World will see it ALL”

God is teaching us how to battle with His words. It is up to each one of us to obey.

Have a Great God Day and feel free to share your God Words with us

because your words are important to the body of Christ!

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