Today is March 23, 2020. I am in my chamber time with the Lord. As my God is talking with me I always like to write down what He says to me in my quiet time chamber journal. I clearly heard him say, “I have ended the Virus.” and I respond by saying, “I believe and I receive” and like yesterday, my lord said to me again, “Go by faith and not by sight.” When the Lord shares something with me a second time I want to obey him. I will ask the Holy Spirit to help me to keep obeying and He does just that.

I continued to write what our Father was saying and it quickly filled up two pages. The last words the Lord shared with me were the following: “THEY HAVE ALL FALLEN RIGHT INTO MY TRAP, I HAVE SWALLOWED THEM UP!” And then the Holy Spirit brought back to my memory of what my sister said to me a few days ago as we were talking about the current events going on. She shared with me that she saw a Venus fly trap (plant) as I was referring to scripture Psalm 35:7, “Although I did them no wrong, they laid a trap for me.”

The enemy has laid a trap for us, but our God has laid an even bigger trap for them and they have fallen right into Gods trap. And like the Venus Fly Trap, this plant will close its two leaves around the prey which is stuck to a glue like substance on its leaves. The prey is dissolved and eaten as plant food. It is so good to know that our God is in the Trapping business!

Our God is for us, He will never forsake us, His chosen ones, His true people. God is rising up his Brides and we never will fall into any trap the enemy has laid for each one of us! I encourage you today to keep talking to your Jesus, He will answer you, He loves you with an everlasting Love. And whatever trap the enemy has laid before you to fall into simply jump right over it and into the arms of your Savior.

Psalm 35:9-10 “Then I will rejoice in the Lord. I will be glad because He rescues me. I will praise Him from the bottom of my heart; “Lord, who can compare with you?”


  1. Larry A Wahler

    Loved this! I think I will use this for my Pray it Forward.

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