Take Time To Eat…

Take Time To Eat…

“Taste and see that the Lord is Good; blessed is the one who takes refuge in Him.” Psalm 34:8

I encourage you to take the time to eat, to swallow and then to mindfully digest the word of God, one bite at a time. I feel, it’s important to eat of its fruit throughout the day. Wake up each new day to first, eat your breakfast then grab a morning snack. Take time for lunch as well as a mid-day snack but don’t forget dinner and it’s perfectly fine to get a snack right before bed. If you wake up during the night with hunger pains by all means grab a snack from your nightstand to get you through the rest of the night. This way of eating is a beneficial way to EAT TO LIVE and LIVE TO EAT…all without gaining weight while eating a great variety of food. This is my healthy full-proof diet which my husband, Jay, and myself eat every single day. We call it the JESUS Diet and this diet will shape your heart/soul, mind and body into a beautiful human being overflowing with the fruit of His spirit. This food will give you power beyond belief.

What will be the internal and external benefits of eating this way? Well, let’s read the ingredients below to find out what will happen when tasting, eating, digesting and then seeing what the end results will be from these fruits…


Nine, Fruits to Eat. YUM! Together, let’s eat with Christ from His basket of Fruit. (Right now, I see into the spirit realm, I am looking at our Jesus standing before me. His beautiful azure blue eyes and His white sparkling smile are sweet love. He is holding a beautiful golden fruit basket which He hand wove. Jesus is holding this basket out to each one of us. Reach for it and He will place this gift basket right into your arms. It will belong to you. Your golden-woven-basket is overflowing with fruit for you to taste, to eat and to digest. This fruit will cause you to grow and to flow in His sweet spirit and then you can share the power of His fruit with others.

Now That Is, S-W-E-E-T

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