Soul mate

Soul mate

Two definitions for the word soul mate is… A person who is perfectly suited to another in temperament and A person who strongly resembles another in attitudes or beliefs. Have you found your soul mate? Well, for me, Jesus is the only mate I want invading my soul, but I don’t mind my husband, Jay and I having the same soul attitudes and beliefs such as, being like Christ and loving Jesus as much as He loves and fills each of our souls. The world definitely has its own point of view as to what a soul mate is. Our soul is made up of three parts, our mind, heart and soul.

Did you know that every time someone has had intimacy with a person outside of marriage both of the people have given a piece of their soul away to that person. No wonder God desires for us to keep intimacy within the bounds of marriage. It makes a person think about how many pieces of my soul were given away illegally, so to speak, and if I gave away a piece or pieces to more than one person, it would mean that my soul is not whole. It is important for a follower of Christ to ask forgiveness if a believer has given a piece of their soul away before their marriage or before they became a believer. It is important to ask Jesus to go and to bring that piece of your soul back to you so your soul can be whole. It is never too late for a soul transplant to keep a believers soul whole. It can be done before marriage or while in a marriage because then a person will not have any pieces of their soul missing.

Father God, Jesus my Savior, I thank you for loving me. I ask you to forgive me for being intimate outside of marriage. I am sorry Lord, Forgive me for giving away a piece of my soul to ______________. I ask you Jesus to go to _______________ and get that piece of my soul that I gave away and place it back into my soul to make my soul whole. I thank you Father and I ask in the name of Jesus and in the power of His blood to help me to keep you the only mate in my soul. Amen.

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