Sitting inside a tree

Sitting inside a tree

I love all of the angels I am able to see when the spirit opens my eyes. My husband and I see or hear their movements in our home on a daily basis whether we are at home or outside of our home. Our grandson’s, Micah and Baylor, along with our three grand-girls, Destiny, Norah, and Sophia, I believe sees them a lot more than either of us do. Their little hearts are so pure and often when Micah comes to our house, we are able to observe him talking with Jesus or pointing to the angels which reside in our home, as do our other grandchildren. One of these times, I must remember to grab my cell phone and catch a video of anyone of them as they are interacting with these beautiful creations. I have several videos of the invisible becoming visible and they are amazing.

As our bridal website progresses, I will be adding many more videos of the times I have captured angels, and many of the ways God has manifest himself to us as we live our lives for Him. Supernatural is simply natural for me and my family and it can be for you too. I believe our Father in Heaven loves to show up in very mysterious ways and then when He does, He has a prime opportunity to teach us all about His deeper truths at that moment.

In chapter eight of book- one, I share with you my readers the time I saw an angel sitting in the middle of a tree. I was so excited when Jesus led me to find an angel picture. This picture is such a reality of what I saw that day. I encourage you to take the time during your busy day to stop a moment, to sit still and to ask the holy spirit to open up your eyes to get a glimpse, so you will see the angels moving around in your home. Never give up and just keep on asking! (Below is a similar picture of my angel sitting in a tree)

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