Today is Wednesday, May 12, 2021. And as I was ‘Up and In’ my Chamber in Heaven, I wrote down what I heard our Father God say to His people….. “Wake-Up * Wake-Up ‘Oh you People of God! Wake-Up from your Slumber! See the Trees in the Forest! You are living in the Forest. You are surrounded by the Forest. The Dead Trees in the Forest will start to be Removed- And I God will Burn them up! I God will destroy all of their Root Systems! Yet, Many Trees who are still producing fruit because- they are Alive in Me- They will Remain! Will You Remain? Wake-Up ‘Oh People of God – Again I say- Wake-Up! Do you Really SEE ME? Take Off your Blinders before It is too Late! SEE ME – Listen to Me – Obey Me- Because you Love Me!

America will Explode in Me- Through My True People who are Awake! My True People who have always Been Awake! My True People who Know Me – Who know Whom I AM! I AM GOD! Those who Remain ‘AWAKE’ will Not Perish- Spiritually Nor Physically. I God will continue to Sound the Alarm to Wake-Up * Wake-UP and Choose to Become My True People. My True People who Truly SEE ME. Wake-Up and I God will Restore Your Sight! Then You will SEE the Difference between the Darkness and the Light! Choose This Day whom You Will SEE and Whom You Will Serve! If you ‘Stay Awake’ Then you will Live a Full and Prosperous Life with the One who lives within You, The One Who is My- ‘One and Only Son’ Yeshua – Jesus of Nazareth!

“Can’t See the Forest from the Trees” The definition of this saying is……. An expression used of someone Who is too involved in the details of a problem to look at the situation as a Whole

And- Two remedies available to Stop living out this expression are the Following……..

“Wherefore He saith, Awake thou that sleepest, and Arise from the Dead, and Christ shall give thee Light.” Ephesians 5:14 (KJB)

“AWAKE, awake; put on thy strength O Zion; put on thy beautiful garments, O Jerusalem, the Holy City: for henceforth there shall no more come into the uncircumcised and the unclean.” Isaiah 52:1 (KJB)

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