On 11-12-20, the Lord our God spoke from His Throne. I wrote down all that I heard. Below is just some of His words. Our God speaks and we can go up and into our spitritual chambers to listen every day. I prefer to hear First from God and not first from man. He will always confirm to me His words.

My scrolls are being read out-loud by my scroll angels over America, Israel, China, Russia, Ukraine, Yugoslavia, Canada-over every nation. What is being declared in my scrolls – will happen. My true people have repented, asked for my forgiveness, and because their hearts are pure I will do what they have asked. Now my people can rejoice. Take off your garments of mourning and put on your garments of Life, Love and Joy! This is the greatest time- ever to live on my earth.

Yes, Father we obey your spoken words to us your remnant Brides. Amen.


  1. Larry Wahler

    Always Gods word, not Mans. All so verry True!

    • Jamie Wilson


      I appreciate your heart as you have the gift of discerning
      what God is saying to man – to His body. I love how God flows
      His words through His Believing Body. Thank you for
      your “Pray It Forward” posts on your MEWE & Facebook
      Pages. They encourage us the Body. Bless You!

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