Today is February 19, 2022, and while I am in my quiet chamber time with the Lord, I am led to read Isaiah 42:7 (KJB).

“To open the blind eyes, to bring out the prisoners from the prison, and them that sit in darkness out of the prison house.”

The Lord began to share with me increased revelation….. that the man-made 501c3 non-profit status not only gains profit but has become a prison house and it is not a True House of God for believers to gather together in to worship the One True God.

He continues to give ample warning to the body of Christ about this non-profit status. Their disobedience is why The Lord will bring His hammer of Justice down on their prison houses, so the Scattering begins! They must scatter in order for each one of them to have the ability to be set Free. How many will be set free or just return to a man-made church system?

Jesus showed me again the vision I had from Him, and I believe it was in the summer of 2011. I saw a blue sky and a mighty strong right arm which was holding a large hammer, the hammer was a grey to black color. It came down with great force upon a house structure and as the hammer struck- it had crumbled this house. I saw what looked like tiny black ants running out from under this hammer. They were scattering to the North, South, East and West. But when I looked closer it was not ants, but it was believers who were inside of the body of Christ.

Father has been talking with me for a few years now about the scattering of those in this system and in my first book, “Heaven’s Chambers” in chapter 17, the “Nobody Chamber.” God began to reveal what was coming to the body of Christ, those who were the nobodies who have the opportunity to become a Somebody, a Bride of Christ.

A Bride of Christ is obedient to the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit and it is the Bride of Christ who will be able to help lead these scattered ones back to Jesus, back to the Father, and be filled with the power of His Holy Spirit. Believers should be trained by Jesus First and foremost, and not First be trained in any 501c3 man-made church, ministry, Christian college or any organization which has been created by satan through man from with-in the deep state government.

The Holy Spirit led me to scripture that used the word hammer in it, I always want to make sure I hear correctly and if I need more clarification, the Holy Spirit will continue to give me truth. I always want to learn in Gods divine Wisdom and Truth!

Jeremiah 50:23 says, “How is the Hammer of the whole earth, cut asunder and broken! how is Babylon become a desolation among the nations.”

I pray Lord that each person reading this will seek you out and you will share your heart with them. We can ask you anything and you will always answer us. We Love you Lord, Amen. Have a Great God Day- Today, and feel free to share with us your comments because they are important to me and this Bridal Community. Blessing to you all.

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