January, 2020, I heard father share with me while I was in my quiet time.

I am removing all the cancer from my body, It will be Cancer Free! It is the demon of cancer who is the giver of this human disease. But, the type of cancer I will remove is the evil cancerous manipulation of words and actions that are being said and done against my Body from the many evil leaders with-in my body. They claim to know me! They do not know me! They claim to know me, but it is a false claim, It is a claim for one purpose only, and that is to bring Gain to their Own, fame, fortune and glory with-in my body and then to spread their claims around the world.

There are several evil leaders around the world, but among them are three extremely prominent and well-established leaders in America who are “NOT,” Who they present themselves to be. They are impostors. Their miracle powers, dreams and prophetic words come from a False Spirit. These three evil men do not follow me. They are false leaders who lie, steal, cheat and Yes, even kill. These three prominent leaders have proclaimed blasphemy against my spirit with-in their own Hearts! I will remove each one, My way. You will surely see my hand of Justice Strike then down. Their time on my earth will end abruptly. This cancer, I will remove. Then my people will begin to heal, become strong, and to remain Cancer Free.

I God, am Just and True. My Ways are HOLY. I will protect those in my Body who Belong to my Beloved Son. He paid the Price with his Blood. There are many in my body who have ignorantly or in stupidity attached themselves to these evil leaders. They have chosen to come under their leadership and continue to give them financial support, which I call blood-money. All of this has spurred the cancer to grow and to spread at an alarming rate.

I sent my gift of discernment to protect my body, but too many in my body are not discerning their leaders words or actions. They are not seeking the face of my son First. They are not asking me, what I know. They remain clue-less. I continue to show every-one the Red Flags which I wave right- in-front of their eyes. They refuse to ask me what the Red Flags mean or they ignore my flags completely. I am waiting to teach them how to remove these evil leaders from the body so their kingdoms of evil will come tumbling down. They must come tumbling down,

I choose to flow through my people but many refuse to flow in my power. Refusal is also allowing this evil cancer to grow. This evil cancer has spread with-in my body to affect every believer who makes up my body, some are affected more than others. Too many in my body are spiritually sick and diseased ridden.

There are many in my body who will listen and obey me. Many in my body will repent. Many in my body who will continue to ask for my forgiveness and renounce from all of this spiritual cancer and evil, because they love my body. Many in my body will choose to love me. Love is who I am, I am HOLY. My Body much choose to be Holy.

Note: I was given the names of these three men and many others whom Jesus called “False Character Leaders” But, I have not been released to publicly give their names. He has allowed me to share some names with a few believers. You too can ask our God who these false ones are.

I asked Jesus for scriptures to help us understand. Thank You Lord.

“Woe to those who devise iniquity, And work out evil on their beds! At morning light they practice it, Because it is in the power of their hand.” Micah 2:1 (NKJV)

“For you are not a God who takes pleasure in wickedness, Nor shall evil dwell with you.” Psalm 5:4 (NKJV)

“Truly, these times of ignorance God over-looked, but now command all men everywhere to repent. Acts 17:30 (NKJV)

“And that we may be delivered from unreasonable and wicked men; for not all have faith.” 2 Thessalonians 3:2 (NKJV)

“Then Jesus said to those Jews who believed Him, “If you abide in my word, you are my disciples indeed.” John 8:31

Father forgive myself and us, your body. We repent and ask your forgiveness. We renounce and turn from this spiritual cancer and evil. Remove it all, from with-in us, your body. Cut out this cancer, pull out its roots, remove it completely, and burn it up. Fill us with your fire of love so no cancer will flourish in us again. Completely heal us and restore us to be a whole and healthy body. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.

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