Received September, 2019

I God am invading the world with my spirit, like never before. There will be years and years where my window from Heaven to Earth will stay open. I will empty out many of my rooms in Heaven and their riches I will pour into the lives of my true people.

My Brides will receive a continual increase of my glory. My glory exists within my Love! I will fully fund my Brides. My Brides will flourish in their lands of Promise. They will set up my cities of Salem. Cities filled with my houses of peace, my houses of restoration, my houses of healing and deliverance. People will run into my cities of Salem to be set Free.

I am the house to reside in. I will make you whole. You will eat my fruits and you will receive my power. My glory is upon the earth, my breath of life is given as oxygen for you to breath in deeply. My ways are not your ways. My will is perfect. I will perfect my will, my way, within each one who will persevere in me. My Son completed my will. Through my son you will have eternal life. Stay true to me so your life will not be snuffed out or grow dim.

I am God, I am who I say I am. My Son, My Holy Spirit came from within me. I created all people past-present-future, within me. I say, again, “Do not allow anything to snuff out your life. Be my light of life as you move on my earth. I will direct your steps, “Step by Step” for all who will listen, believe, and receive what I declare right ‘Now’ from my Throne Room.

About one hour after I received this message the Holy Spirit directed me to read: Deuteronomy 33:3

“Indeed, you love the people, all your holy ones are in your hands! They follow in your Steps and accept your instruction.”

As God said in His message to us, He will direct our Steps as we obey and all people will come into His cities as we are His holy ones, His Brides. I’m glad He holds us close.

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