Prayer to Break Generational Curses

Prayer to Break Generational Curses

I encourage you, your spouse or even your children who are accountable to read this out-loud in a firm voice, ask Jesus to be with you. You can personalize this prayer by adding specific diseases or sins if you want to. It can be prayed anytime you want. Enjoy!

Dear God, I renounce any and all curses, hexes, spells, all witchcraft, blood sacrifices human or animal, free masonry, satanic worship, the religious church system mind set from the amended 501c3 contract the church council signed for the entire body of Christ in agreement with past president Lyndon B. Johnson in 1954, which put power to the already spell on the body of Christ and caused the blood of all aborted babies to be on the hands of the church, forgive us Lord. I break all diseases, plagues, viruses, infections from man, insects, animals and from the evil one and his kingdom of darkness. All spoken and unspoken curses that have come upon me from past generations. And I renounce all sins of my ancestors on my mother’s and my father’s bloodlines including all of my grandparent’s bloodlines. All curses which may have caused me to be cursed and I bequeath to myself, my spouse, my children and our future generations a New Heritage of Faith in Christ, A Faith in God, A Faith in the Holy Spirit. And cause that any of these curses that the devil may have access to my life, my spouse, my children and our future generations to come, BE BROKEN NOW and FOREVER MORE in the name of God, His son Jesus Christ and His Holy Spirit. All the way back to Adam and Eve.

The devil and his kingdom must let us loose from all of these curses as you devil and your kingdom have no more rights to any of our bloodline’s sins past, present or future. I command in Jesus name you remove these curses and their effects they have caused myself, my spouse, my children and our future generations inside our minds, hearts/souls and bodies. You devil and your demons must pull out your roots, arrows and darts immediately including any markings on my skin which represent the worship of idols or witchcraft prayers attached to them and repair all the damage you have caused any one of us inside our minds, hearts/souls and bodies. You must leave each one of us now! I send you devil and demons to Jesus as He will tell you where to go. Never return to anyone of us or send to any one of us your replacements. Jesus, your will alone. Jesus continue to heal and fill every one of us and our entire bloodlines in our minds, hearts/souls and bodies with your love. Thank you, Father, Jesus, and Holy Spirit. I believe and continue to receive your eternal forgiveness from all my sins and draw me close, my spouse, my children and our future generations into a deeper intimacy with you forever. Jesus teach us one on one with you, how to maintain our freedom. Amen.


  1. Carlene

    Thank you Jamie ❤ I love you!

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