This was written in my Chamber Time Journal on 11-3-2020. The Lord would like to share it with you to encourage you to keep moving forward into His perfect timing.

“Perfect Timing dwells within me (God). I bring out my timing from with-in myself. I hand the seal of time to my angel of time. My angel flies to the earth, opens the door- breaks the seal and delivers my time to dwell with-in my Holy Child. My Holy Child will obediently step into my perfect timing. My gift of timing and obedience go Hand in Hand. My love spurs my Holy Child forward not backward because my love dwells with-in my Holy Child.”

I am remembering the time when the Lord shared with me that our time line is with-in Gods time line. It was shared in my audio-podcast, which is title “The Chamber. ” Lord, thank you for expanding this revelation for us to grow in your wisdom and understanding.

Father, help us your Holy Children to love you more everyday so we will continue to move Forward in your unconditional Love. We Praise you for who you are! Teach us the authority of time we have in you. Amen.

Your comments are always welcomed. We will bind together in love as we the Bridal remnant of Christ move forward in time. Have a Great God Day!


  1. Larry A Wahler

    I understand that in GODS time, it is Not the same as Our time, but it is funny how many of us were really praying about this Election, and that it did not turn out like many of us wanted. Seems Satan is controlling way to many people anymore, and is getting his way. I look at it as the End Times, and yes, I am prepared for when Christ returns, and I hope to be good enough to be taken by him. Evil is in our Government even More now, and it pains me to see how people are accepting of all this.

    • Jamie Wilson

      Larry, It will sure be fun watching God do what He said He will do. I agree too many are influenced by the enemy. We will keep getting about the Fathers business every new day He gives us. Thanks for sharing.

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