On The Streets

On The Streets

As I walk on the mazes of streets in downtown Asheville, NC, or around the city of Asheville to its tourist towns, or whether I am walking up to the higher altitudes to gaze at the beautiful blue ridge mountains, or when I am walking on a trail which will lead me to a beautiful waterfall, I know that when I walk my God walks with me and our steps will lead us to meet people of different languages, religions and cultures. As I converse, one on one, many people will say to me, “I don’t believe in God.” and the response the Holy Spirit of God will ask me to reply back with is, “It doesn’t matter, He believes in YOU.” This divine reply sparks their curiosity to the point where they want to hear more about this God I worship even if it is not the god of their culture.

The most recent person I have encountered was a young oriental man in his mid-thirties. This young man was walking on the same trail I was walking on. This trail led us up to a beautiful waterfall and also led us back down to the parking lot. As I was walking down this trail to the parking lot Jesus and I were walking a distance behind my husband, my son, his friend, my daughter and her toddler son. Jesus and I hung back a ways because He was talking to me about an opportunity that lay ahead. It was not long after our talk that I saw a young man further down the trail. My family had already walked past the young man way before I did. When I came to be a few steps behind this young man I noticed that his left foot was crippled and was severely turned inward as he clutched his cane. He was walking at a slow turtle like pace and was indeed in pain. I knew from Jesus I was to walk around him until I was a short distance in front of him. I then stopped on the trail and turned around to face this young man who was of the oriental nationality. When the man was a few steps in front of me he stopped and then looked up at me and when he did, I raised both of my arms up into the air towards my God in Heaven and said out loud, “My God, is the one true God who can heal your foot and His name is Jesus.” I Then looked into the eyes of this person, and I saw his face light up with a bright smile and he said, “Yes, I have heard of Him.”

Well, to make a long story short, together we broke his generational curses on both of his parent’s side of the families all the way back to Adam and Eve including curses for the present and for future generations. His crippled foot was a birth defect which ran in his ancient eastern bloodline. This curse was put into his bloodline by the god he worshiped which was the evil one that old serpent the devil. He accepted and prayed with me as we looked up to God to restore his crippled foot. That is exactly what happened. After we sent our request up to God, we both looked down at his foot and we began to see his severely turned inward foot being turned back into its proper alignment. As he continued to look at his foot, I quickly left and hurried down the trail so that when he did finally look up it was only Jesus who he could give glory and praise to and not to me. This man did not believe in the one true God, but God believed in him. Prior to his healing, I asked Jesus, my God, to make himself real to this young man so he would believe and love the one true God. That he would want to live a purposeful life which God created for him to live on earth and to know that he will live as a citizen in Heaven and be forever with the one true God, who is the three in one. To be born-again and filled with the power of His Holy Spirit which will enable him to live a powerful life in Christ. A whole lot more happened on this assignment as did on the next assignment which waited ahead of me at the second waterfall, we all went to that day.

My, what a loving God we serve. I encourage you to Go up and into your very own chamber in heaven to be in the presence of the one true God who has countless assignments for you and Him to walk right into. Have a Great Day Today, simply walking with our Father God. I Love you all and remember to write to me all about your special walking times with the Father at our “Your Happenings” Page. Your writings keep me encouraged to keep on walking.

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