My True People

I have released my Glory from heaven. It has come down into the lives of my True People.

My True People are those who declare their love and obedience to me.

My True People are those who declare their love and obedience to my only begotten son.

My True People are those who declare their love and obedience to my Spirit.

My trumpets are blowing, I am calling out to my True People to hear the sound of my voice. My voice shouts out to be heard by all my people. They will hear my call to Rise up and Stand.

My True People will not turn around to run, instead, they will engage in the spiritual warfare. My People will join in the battle. The battle is against the evil demonic forces who are now attacking with all their might.

I have declared my promise to my True People, “When darkness overtakes the Godly – Light will come Bursting in.

Be a people who are True to me.

Be a people who are Truly mine.

The Lord then led me to read Psalm 35:1-10, if you get a chance today, it is a good read.

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