
This morning February 18, 2023, I am humbled to be in the presence of our Father in Heaven. Jesus, for a while now has been talking with me and I am led to share with you what He has been saying to my heart.

The sound of Laughter and joy in my body is diminishing.

Why are so many of them allowing gloom and despair to fill their souls?

Why do they Not sit and wait for my presence to fill them?

Why do they tremble in such Fear?

Why do they so easily forget that I have overcome evil!

I have the keys of death and the keys of life in my right hand!

Why is the church so power-less?

Have I not filled many who have asked- with my baptized power of my Spirit which is Holy!

Why do they lack in simply getting about my Fathers business right where they are!

Why are they so surprised when I display who I am?

I have chosen the small, the humble, the powerful in my Spirit-

For the Time has come for my Hidden ones to no longer be Hidden.

On Pedestal’s they will Not stand for all to see.

They are cloaked in my Righteousness.

They are the ones I have trained in my secret place.

They are the ones who obey my every command.

They are the ones I fill with the power of my True Seven Spirits.

They are the ones who are filled with;

The Spirit of The Fear of The Lord.

The Spirit of The Lord.

The Spirit of Adoption.

The Spirit of Grace.

The Spirit of Truth.

The Spirit of Our Father.

The Spirit of The Living God.

They my Hidden ones are filled with my Love.

The ones who Trust my every word.

The ones who are my joy and my laughter

The ones I sing over!

The ones who Know Who I AM!

I call out to the members in my Body to seek me with all your heart,

You will find me for I am Right here, I have never Left You!

Instead, Many of you have Left Me.

My Arms of Love are stretching out to bid you to come-

Step into my arms and be changed into One of my Ones!

Father, I take your words and fill them up in my heart. Keep me humbled and moving forward as one of your Ones! I pray Jesus to touch each heart who reads this and fill them with your presence and love so if they are Not yet one of your Ones, they can be! Because You Love them so and You have their best interest deep inside your heart! Amen.

This Sweet Bible Verse the Holy Spirit would like me to share, it so confirms what Jesus shared with us all today!

“The Lord thy God in the midst of thee is mighty; he will save, he will rejoice over thee with joy; he will rest in his love, he will joy over thee with singing.” Zephaniah 3:17


  1. Larry Wahler

    We have also had this feeling of Unhappiness all around us, tho we Try to keep our faces smiling! We ask GOD often to watch over us, to watch over and Bless our Family and Friends and to keep us all safe and healthy. Thank you for this post and I hope to use your Bible Verse in my Pray it Forward! God Bless you and yours, Larry

    • Jamie Wilson

      Thank You Larry for Never giving up! Father will guide and protect as we each
      keep moving forward. Keep Praying it forward as His words will bring in Hope to
      the hopeless. God always Wins! In Christ’s Love, Jamie

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