Step into His Spirit

Step into His Spirit

Be Filled with the Spirit. Be a Bridal Warrior believer who can easily Step into His Spirit. At a moment’s notice! The Holy Spirit, God’s Glory Power ignites through an open vessel, you and me. Jesus will help us to defeat the evil one. He will teach us how to bring healing and deliverance into our own lives “first” and then into the lives of others. He will increase in us His compassionate LOVE to pray for and reach out to so many of the wandering or lost lives we come across every day! Whether they are inside or outside a church building.

We are a congregation! Let’s not be stuck in man’s religious church system. Let’s not be Church-ed. Let’s congregate together, let’s be right in step and allow God’s Holy Spirit to do church His way ‘Not‘ Our way. He is more than able to completely control our meetings when we assemble together!

Learn to leap, learn to take Spiritual dominion over your promised land and move everything aside which stands in your way. Jump into the DNA of God. We can do all the works of Christ including His greater works! I move in His Spirit every day. I see in God’s supernatural every day. And if I can do this…then So Can You! NEVER GIVE UP!