On March 26, 2020, as I was up and in my chamber with the Lord, I heard the Father who sits upon His throne say the following;

My Hidden Ones will No longer be Hidden

The Nobodies will rise up as my Somebodies

The man-made Somebodies will be brought down as the Nobodies

My Promotion and Demotion will invade the earth. It will manifest into the lives of all people. First, inside the body of Christ and then outside the body of Christ

After I heard this revelation Jesus reminded me that in 2011, He began to reveal this to me. I did write about this in my first book in chapter seventeen, titled (Nobody Chamber). The Holy Spirit now leads me to read Matthew 20:16.

Matthew 20:16 says, “And so it is, that many who are first now will be last then; and those who are last now will be first then.

Father, I pray for all of those who are promoted or demoted, help each one to draw closer to you. You God set us your believers up on our platforms. Bless us with your love, integrity and humility while we move forward in your anointed glory power and help us to snatch many from the fires of hell, Amen.

Let us know what God is revealing to you, as we all unite together in His Love. Thank You for coming to our website today. May our God bless you with His abundance as you stand on your platform, Amen.


  1. Larry Wahler

    How Verrry inspiring this was to read! I have felt before that I was a Nobody, but to our Father GOD, I know I am a somebody! Since I started doing a Dail Devotion, I have also felt what once was hidden, I am now making it no longer hidden! Thanks again for this posting! God Bless you all and Love you!

    • Jamie Wilson

      Larry, Thank you for sharing, I am so encouraged by you and your devotion to God.
      Now is your time to shine as the Light of God in you will never be hidden. WE must
      stick together as we move forward. We Love you guy’s too!

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