Skies of Heaven

Skies of Heaven

This photo has such a beautiful white Heavenly light and brings comfort to me. The skies of Heaven have so many lights and it’s so amazing to behold. I love how this picture makes us feel like Heaven is pulling our spirits upwards. I love God’s handiwork as He will shape the clouds into forms for me and then He will speak to me through those shapes. Take time to look up at the clouds today and ask Dad to shape them into a form for you and use that form to speak to you. Ask Him to allow you to see many of His Heavenly created beings and angels who are up in our sky. I love it when the cloud substance seems to pass through and cling to each being or angel for my eyes and your eyes to see. And Yes! We can snap a picture of them too. Our creator God truly loves to show us his glory! Seeing His glory will increase our knowledge of Him through all of His creation.