Heavenly Bird

Heavenly Bird

This photo is such an exact likeness to the actual majestic bird I talk about in chapter ten “Soaking Chamber” in my book- one, from my Heaven’s Chambers book series. Except my bird has a tail which is long and thin and also has a thin body, but its head looks more like a dove’s head. The white color in the center of this picture looks similar to the mother-of-pearl glistening color of my bird. My Heavenly bird captured all of Heaven’s colors in its wings just like we see in this photo. This was not a vision; it was me in my spirit laying on the back of this beautiful bird and we actually flew around the skies of Heaven. Interesting how this picture is called a Butterfly Nebula. It sure looks similar to my Heavenly Bird, created for me to ride on during this time in my life here on earth. I can’t wait to ride him anytime I want to when I go back home.