God is Love

I hear the Father say, “We, The Body of Christ will grow and learn from each-other as we allow His LOVE to fill and consume us to the point where it will easily flow out from us. This true spiritual fruit of LOVE is necessary to produce a sweet abundance of Unity in His body.”

The Lord continued to share with me that the body will not be able to function in Unity with-out His Love. The body should function as one body with all the different body parts working together to move the whole body forward.

God you are a consuming Fire and I choose to be filled with your love. Help each one of us who make up your body to move as one in Unity. To truly be consumed with your love. Amen.

“And the most important piece of clothing you must wear is love. Love is what binds us all together in perfect harmony.” Colossians 3:14

I Love you and Have A Great Day today, as you dwell in His Love. Lord God right now, fill the one who is reading this with your amazing Love! Amen.


  1. Larry Wahler

    To the Point right here. Part of the Problem in this world today is the lack of Love for every human being. Way too much me me me and there is no “Can I help you”? Not sure what actually happened, but it is a Give me this society. Thank you for this post Jamie! Love you all, and Hope to see you all sometime.

    • Jamie Wilson

      You are so correct, Thanks for sharing and Yes, we will get together sometime.
      Luv you both. Praying for your total body restoration, in Jesus name.

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