I was talking with the Father and my heart feels heavy, and as I sit on our bed the atmosphere is floating with the DNA of the Father which I can visibly see. An angel walks past the foot of our bed. I then see a glistening bright- glory stream of a silvery colored light moving in a wavy motion about three inches long. I am amazed at the wonder which surrounds me in the silence. My emotions are heavy, I mourn for the world and the condition that we face. The Father reveals to me what is on His mind, this Sunday morning (11-7-21). The enemy of God is pushing for His agenda of….. Good is Evil and Evil is Good. I am then led by Him to read in His word this… “Ye have wearied the Lord with your words. Yet ye say, Wherein have we wearied him? When ye say, Everyone that doeth evil is good in the sight of the Lord, and He delighteth in them; or, Where is the God of Judgement?” Malachi 2:17 (KJB). Satan has convinced those who serve him that Good is Evil and Evil is Good. But scripture tells us that God does not delight in evil.
The evil one will continue to invade the minds of people with a false sense of reality, they are masked sheep being led to the slaughter. Can they be woken up or are they too far gone into the DNA of the devil himself? The enemy has had decades to hone in on his witchcraft and the masses are bound in his false spell. Who will intercede for them as they wonder all around us?
It is the Front-Line Brides- a remnant who is Wide Awake, who are in constant communion with the Father. They are the ones who are rising up, who recognize the dry dead bones, Bones which are buried under the feet of the false character leaders. Men and women who have formed their own society- with their own followers. Their agenda is to have Dominion Over the Faith of every believer in America and beyond.
“Not for that we have Dominion over your faith, but are helpers of your joy: for by faith ye stand.” 2 Corinthians 1:24 (KJB).
Their words are smooth and they justify their actions. A society within the church that is subject under the governments own legal binding non-profit contract. They are for the governments non-profit status and will verbally come against those who are not. If they cancel this status and freely come under our God given Constitution, they will forfeit their stuff. They forget what God will replace in their obedience to Him. The status for many has become an idol, it’s the worship of Baal. They make the rules and decide what is prophesied or steel prophesies from the few who speak Gods true prophetic words. A believer is either with them or is their enemy, but, if you are with them- then join them and you can conveniently sign their binding contract to be subject under them, it’s available on their website. They proudly show you who is on their special counsel,
“Hide me from the secret counsel of the wicked; from the insurrection of the workers of iniquity.” Psalms 64:2 (KJB), And they have available the names of those who have already signed. They operate in “Man subject under Man.” Who is this group, you ask? For it is time to call a spade a spade.
They call themselves the (USCAL) The United States Coalition of Apostolic Leaders. A pyramid scheme, where the top ring is paid by the lesser in the pyramid. They choose who are leaders, apostles, Prophets etc… because you know they are the “only” ones who can hear from the Father. They are the deep church within the pyramid of the deep state. The Spirit of God is Calling, the Trumpet is blowing for believers to wake up to who they are, They are the one’s so many in the body of Christ listen to- or run to for their God information or God confirmation. It is a dangerous road to travel running to man-First and Not to God-First. Listen carefully as these chosen ones are flooding the body of Christ with their few subtle False words that slip out of their mouths, words which will expose each one of them. Pride is their downfall as they gloat in their man-made status. They will be exposed, They will fall and their followers will Scatter.
The Lord calls out to His Children to take His hand. He will help you to research who they are, what they say, what they do, He will help you to discern and find out the truth of their false character with the words they speak. God is truth and the destruction that has grown within the body of Christ is NOW to be Exposed for all to see. Discernment is the Key to unlocking any exposure which is not fully of God. “Father saturate us with your love and knowledge to know how to pray.”
It is Love which will cause each one of us to Be a Front Line Bride and Engage in the Spiritual Battle for their continued exposure, removal, and for the Father to wake up those who can be woken up. He is the Righteous judge over all His creation. The Kingdom of God will flourish and will continue to manifest on the earth. The Hindrance of satan must be pushed aside. “Wherefore we would have come unto you, even I Paul, once and again; but satan Hindered us.” 1 Thessalonians 2:18 (KJB). It is soooooooo critical to engage in this spiritual battle alongside of God and His army of Hosts. We are Fearless and Will Never Retreat! Amen.
This is really spot on. The world and the leader are soo full of Satan, it is actually make me tense and cry and emotional. We pray daily to stop all this hate and evil, and I feel that with the voting last Tuesday, it WAS a step forward. Just keeping my faith in God and Jesus that they will get Satan to back off even more!
Hi Larry, I am blessed by your discernment and how you stay on the front lines in this warfare. We keep pushing forward as we overcome the enemy of God. And I agree we must vote! Thanks for sharing.