Flying coins

Flying coins

I remember the first time Jesus gave to me one glowing and sparkling brand-new penny that appeared out of no-where. This experience you can read about in chapter six (Significant Chamber) in book-one. But since then, myself, my husband and a few of our children continue to have pennies show up in unusual places. First, pennies were appearing in unusual places, but then nickels, dimes, and quarters began popping up or seemed to fall off from steps or objects. No matter where we were coins were appearing. I think the angels had a whole lot of fun flipping coins our way or pushing them off from shelves, steps, appliances or objects for us to find, pick up and keep. This has been happening to us since 2011 and it is still happening today.

I remember, it was the year 2013 when I, my husband, our daughter went back to Wisconsin to visit our immediate family members at our hometown. We were staying by my sister and brother-in-law’s home and their son, his wife, and four children decided to come over to spend some time with us, as did my third son. My brother-in-law suggested we get a game of darts going and so we all joined in on the fun. We were all standing in their living room with-in close distance to each other and I believe it was my nephew’s turn to throw the darts at the electronic dart board. While we all watched him throw one dart, we also saw it stick into the dart board. We then heard the dart board ring up his points and immediately we all saw a coin, one penny come shooting off from the feather end of the dart and flew straight through the air and then dropped right down on top of the carpet close to our feet. My husband Jay quickly asked if everyone saw the coin that just shot off from the dart then shoot through the air and drop on the carpet. Everyone did see this amazing happening and then we all began to laugh. We were all so excited to see this glory and the fun Jesus and His angels were having with us. I guess they just wanted to play darts with us too.

One thing I do know about God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit and God’s angels is, they are so much fun and like to do things that make us laugh. But we must also use discernment anytime we have supernatural happenings, because the enemy also likes to flip things around. But when the enemy is doing the flipping they are Not very nice about it at all.

So again, I encourage you to have fun and to keep receiving increased amounts from God’s gift of discernment. “Father in the name of your son, Jesus, I ask that every person who reads this “fun” God experience will be blessed by you and please give each one of them their very own coins to find as they will appear out of nowhere! Amen. ”

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