

I am confident in the fact that God is anointing and releasing His son’s deliverance ministry through His children, and it is happening right now. That is so exciting to me because I want His glory power to soar through me in signs and wonders. His power through me His obedient servant. I choose to be His mighty Bride to be His open vessel. I will use His gifts and tools to complete each and every assignment He has so graciously assigned to me.

Jesus started the deliverance ministry on earth, and He taught His disciples so they would carry it on. I am His disciple, and I will carry it on. A disciple learns by watching the teacher, learning from the teacher, who is Jesus. The Pentecostal denomination searched deep into the word of God and knew to be born again before being filled with the baptized power of the Holy Spirit. They understood that a heavenly language was a gift, the gift of tongues. They really liked the healing part and believed in miracles, but they simply ignored the ministry of deliverance. They knew Lucifer and His followers were kicked out of heaven, but they ignored the teachings and examples Jesus has given to us to carry on this vital ministry. At times Jesus healed first and then delivered the evil spirits which were inside a person, or He delivered first and then filled the wounds and the holes to heal them.

I am aware of the ignorance to the deliverance ministry, and it has infiltrated into many other charismatic and mainstream denominations as well. We won’t talk about the devil, its taboo, or evil spirits can’t live inside a Christian. Sorry, I don’t see that written in scripture anywhere. Weren’t every one of us sinners before we became saved. Yes, we were forgiven but we were not automatically delivered. I believe Jesus could save and then immediately deliver and heal a person if He chose to but then the person would definitely know they had gone through a deliverance/healing, but they still would need to always maintain this freedom. This ignorance to deliverance is very sad to me because if we are to be Christ’s disciples then we are to do all of His works including how to deliver others from the evil one internally and externally, as well as for ourselves. Plus, we can learn from Jesus how to daily maintain our freedom. Jesus paid a great price for us do this and it was with His blood.

As disciples and followers of Jesus Christ we must be trained by our heavenly teacher how to cast out demons and then how to fill up those holes with his love, fire and divine healing power and we must learn how to daily maintain this freedom. It is never too late, and it is extremely important to allow Jesus to lead and train you and me. Choosing to be born-again and then filled with His glory power is a great way to begin being free and then in Christ begin to pursue the process of deliverance from the evil one who has gained internal entrance and/or attacking us from the outside in our environment. Life in Christ is also living in continual deliverance and healing. It is part of the purification of being a Bride of Christ. Jesus has given us, His body, His brides so many tools to use, it is a shame Not to use them.

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