Doves are released

Doves are released

On April 21, 2020 my husband Jay and I were driving past the Asheville airport in our car. We had the sun-roof wide open. As we were watching a small prop plane land we both were stunned when we heard a supernatural loud and intense noise fill our car. It sounded like a blast being blown through a rams horn. It also felt like a siren to alert us into battle and to keep moving forward in our call, which is to encourage believers in the body of Christ to rise up, begin purification and choose to be a Bride. To leap to their promised lands, to take dominion over their lands by living daily in the power of God’s glory through them in signs and wonders and snatching souls away from the enemy, Jay and I are to lead by example and with His help we will succeed. God calls our family a bridal tribe. We believers are to be tribes of brides that unify in love.

When I woke up on Tuesday, April 28, 2020, I could feel in the spirit realm a strong release from Heaven. I quickly sat up in bed. I could feel the atmosphere swirl. I immediately looked up to the Father and this time He decided to show me what He was doing in my mind or should I say in my minds-eye. I vividly saw Him releasing white sparkling doves and these doves continued to flow, one-by-one out from His cupped hands, they were landing on the earth to the homes of believers and this landing will be going on for years. God had such an excited look on His face as His smile was beaming across His glorious face.

The next day on Wednesday, April 29, I woke up and decided to go get some coffee. I looked out several of our floor to ceiling glass windows in our living room and saw one grey colored dove sitting on the railing of our outside deck. I stopped, and as the dove was looking at me he spread out his two wings to reveal white feathers mixed in with grey feathers. Then Father started to download into me additional revelation about the doves and the loud blast we heard seven days earlier. My friend, Taylor, whom I had shared with her about the dove release, had recently sent me a video which was a double confirmation. Thank you Taylor.

So, with all this to say I encourage each one of you to keep your eyes open because the doves are here and if you are serious in being a Bride of Christ your dove will be landing. Together, we will move forward in this glory time which could last for more years than we know, even decades. We are in the time of glory and harvesting which needs to happen before Jesus comes to enrapture His brides. Yes, Jesus is coming back soon, but if the Father sent him back right now He told me, it would only be a handful of brides. Remember, the catching up of His brides is not a rescue mission, He will enrapture us up because it’s just time for the wedding. With the help of Jesus, He will help prepare every believer to be a waiting bride and ready for their beautiful and glorious wedding day. But until it happens we have a whole lot of work and His greater works to do yet. It’s time to have fun every day! luv you guy’s and Have A Great God Day! And let us know in the comment section below when your dove has landed.

“Though ye have lien among the pots, yet shall ye be as the Wings of a Dove covered with Silver, and her feathers with Yellow Gold.” Psalms 68:13

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