Clergy Response Team

Clergy Response Team

I encourage you to ask Jesus when you are in your heavenly chamber as to what exactly is the Clergy Response Team. “Who began it and when?” “What is its purpose?” and “Who has come into agreement with this proposal?” Jesus will give you a heads up. If you ask, He will lead you to find the proof. Any pastor who has signed into the contract of being a part of the Clergy response team, more or less is willing to sell out their congregation to go into a Fema camp by using scripture to convince them to leave their homes when a planned government event is put into place. This was something Obama began. It is just a part of their plan to de-populate the earth. We can’t allow these satanic people to win. Jesus continues to shine His light on all darkness, and we continue to rise up and fight.

It is truly amazing what the Lord will reveal to you and to me when we ask Him, “What is going on in this world?” Thank You Jesus, fill each and every one of us with your Sound Wisdom and increase in us your Love, forgiveness and power! Amen. Below is scripture the Lord led me to read in His word. It will explain what could be the consequences for all who have come into agreement with this proposal. Lord lead everyone into forgiveness, to turn from their sins and mistakes and to renounce them forever. Lord in your mercy and grace set them free and keep us free. Amen

Psalm 58 (NLV)

Justice—-do you rulers know the meaning of the word? Do you judge the people fairly? No, all your dealings are crooked; you hand out violence instead of justice.

These wicked people are born sinners; even from birth they have lied and gone their own way. They spit poison like deadly snakes; they are like cobras that refuse to listen, ignoring the tunes of the snake charmers, no matter how skillfully they play.

Break off their fangs, O God! Smash the jaws of these lions, O Lord! May they disappear like water into thirsty ground. Make their weapons useless in their hands. May they be like snails that dissolve into slime, like a stillborn child who will never see the sun.

God will sweep them away, both young and old, faster than a pot heats on an open flame. The godly will rejoice when they see injustice avenged. They will wash their feet in the blood of the wicked.

Then at last everyone will say, “There truly is a reward for those who live for God; surely there is a God who judges justly here on earth.”

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