This Feather in this picture was Found laying on the carpet in our Bedroom, Right after, I had written down God’s words.

On Monday, March 15, 2021, while I waited in the silence, I heard the beginning words of a revelation from our God who sits on His Throne in The Throne Room. The Father has added quite a bit to the revelation from yesterday and for several hours today the 16th, as I kept still, Father revealed then I wrote and then again waited in silence to see if He would reveal more, I kept doing this until He was finished.

I keep every revelation open so My DAD can add to that revelation. If I would shut my Hearts door to a revelation, then I will only hear the beginning words, sentence or paragraph. I then would have closed out the ability for God’s entire revelation to be completed. Free Will, is “Extreme Power” it can make or break you, or miss out, so to speak)

I write down all of my God revelations, I find it amazing because I have open revelations that are 40 years old as well as others that are still open from past years and currently opened. God is still adding information to all of those revelations. So with all that to say, revelations I have heard from the Father whether it is for the Nations, the body of Christ, for myself, family, others etc.. I keep all of God’s revelations Open until He tells me they are complete.

And then God seals the completed revelations into my heart, into my mind, into my whole being, Sealed there until He decides when one of those revelations are to be brought up and out. He will bring them up and out, whether He wants me to ponder on one of them, or to speak one out into the spiritual realm or speak it out in the earthly realm or out to another person, land, place, church building, denominations’, people’s groups, business, body of water, gates, portals, star gates, black holes, etc.

This is what the Father has on His Heart for us Today;

I encourage You This Day and every Day Forward

To Stand Up Strong In Christ My Son, Let No man

put you Asunder, For The Lamb that was Slain,

Who poured out His Life’s Blood as a

Drink Offering for You, so you could live in Freedom

So you could daily experience and live in my deliverance

from the evil kingdoms who currently dwell within you.

My beloved, Do not allow my gift of deliverance to slip away from you Do not think

for one minute Internal demonic spirits who exist within you are Taboo.

Why do My believers Fear the evil One who tricks, who lies, who steals from you and causes you harm.

When will my Beloved Believer wake up from the residue of the spell

which has already been broken on your behalf. Seek out my Son,

Come up to my Son. Your spirit can rise up to my Son. Your spirit can rise up to Me-

Your God. Ask My Holy Spirit to fill you, to Baptize you, He will bring your spirit up to where I am.

You have a Secret Heavenly Dwelling place within my Hearts Chamber. You also have

a New Bridal Chamber dwelling place, it exists in My Third-Heaven’s atmosphere. A Bridal Chamber

which My Son, The Savior, and King has built for you. Why do you question My NEW? Do you think for one

minute I am NOT the God of the NEW? The word “NEW” I spoke into being and

the word NEW I command. Do you not want my New to be given to you?

Why do you question me within your own heart and mind as if I do not know

what I am talking about? You quietly question or you do not believe what I proclaim

personally to you, Because nothing is Happening in your time frame. But then you easily

do not question every man or woman who is foolishly proclaiming words to any believer

who will listen to them. And you listen to them because Their words SOUND like my words of Righteousness.

You in return copy or speak these “Proclaimed believers words out to others or post their words without

thought on several of the social media platforms. You forgot me, You have Not asked Me, if I have released you

to share any of these Proclaimed words of theirs. Do I not speak to you My words of truth to share? Yet,

you keep my True words silent, afraid to speak, afraid they are not important. I stir your heart to

release them, but you pull back thus allowing the enemy, The spirit of silence, to come within you.

The Spirit of Silence convinces you and stops you from sharing. If This is You,

You have ignorantly placed these men or women’s Proclaimed words to be set up as an Idol

in your Heart over Me. This has made an opening for a Spirit of Silence from the enemy to slip inside you,

and the more you do this, The silence will increase inside of you and the spirit will eventually close the

door to your mouth. To Keep You Silenced.

Repent! Come to Me, I will help You. I Love You, I am The One True God. My Son has the Keys of Life!

You too, can rise up in my Spirit to dwell with my son, to dwell with Me Your GOD.

Do you Not see it in my words? I am calling You, My Beloved, to rise up to me.

Here are my written words for you to read, “Having therefore, brethren, boldness to

Enter INTO the Holiest by the Blood of Jesus, By a NEW and Living way, which He hath

Consecrated for us, through the Veil, that is to say, His Flesh; And having a High Priest

over the House of God; Let us Draw Near with a True Heart in Full Assurance of Faith,

having Our Hearts Sprinkled from an EVIL conscience, and our Bodies washed with

Pure Water,” Hebrews 10: 19-22.

Ask me questions, any question, and I will, in my

timing answer you My beloved one. But don’t tread on a dangerous spiritual

ground by questioning my words of Authority I speak over you- While I sit

upon my Throne! You will see many men and women who are taken off from

their High platforms because their Proclaimed Words they speak are their Own and have

led many spell-bound believers away from My True Words that I speak. Ask me who

they are, These Proclaimed ones. I will tell you, and I will show you, What they are up To and What dwells

within their evil hearts that are filled with their own idolatry of Fame, Fortune and Glory. They speak Proclaimed words which have been Given

to them by Baal, that old Fire breathing- Blood licking Serpent, who has Ownership Rights. Baal who stole My

earthly altar to defile my numbers, my letter, who wrote them in the minds of evil men through witchcraft,

sacrifice and blood. Baal sealed the contract with those men in that sacrifice, and I watched as Baal gave their

blood contract to satan, the devil.

My altar was stolen from a Holy dwelling place on the earth, now it is stained with

Blood. They have desecrated my altar, They have laid human innocence upon it.

Baal has received increased power, A power that flowed through the altar as the innocent

sacrifice was laid upon my altar, Then Tortured and slain upon My altar. It will Now be known as the altar of Desecration

and cannot be made clean. The altar stands in Germany in a place of desolation. My justice will be done.

The altar of desecration will be thrown into the fire and burned on the last day, at the command of my Son,

Jesus, who will pronounce the fate of the Second death.

Discern, if you can, the numbers written are in my order, 0-1-3-5. Discern if you can, the letter written within the numbers is- C.

Believers, Can you discern? or are you too, under the mind control of Baal?

Ask me, I will help you to Wake up. I will open Up your eyes from the ‘Sleeping Beauty Spell.

My Dear, Dear, Dear loves, My beloved believer’s who seek me out, Who choose to be

the Bride of My Son. I will begin to purify you, I choose to deliver you. My Son

brought down to earth for You “our gift.” of deliverance.

I placed Jesus, my One True Son, inside the womb of my chosen servant girl, Mary.

Will you allow my Son to Train you, ‘One on One’ in your Bridal Chamber? Will you allow My

Holy Spirits Power to baptize you with this “Essential” gift. It begins with you. You are to

purify yourself- daily. I will lead you to experience freedom in deliverance’s, plural not singular. My Son will train you,

and I will strategically send you to- Who and Where to go for freedom, and after a while, You, My Bride will be

sent to help another believer to begin their freedom.

Training is all about the ability and choice to Listen and

to Obey every word of My Son, and Not your own words or excitement so you will Not step into any

wrong direction. It will take a Bridal Heart of self-discipline to be able to free others from the enemy within a

believer. Non-believers cannot and should not be delivered. Remember the sons of Sceva? Don’t be a

Vagabond or claim to be an Expert Exorcists. Instead, Be a Glowing White Bride who reflects My Son.

My Son will be seen in your eyes and in your actions. Your character will be like My Sons.

My Son, will train you. Allow My Holy Spirit to flow My gift of deliverance through you.

Obey the Holy Spirit and readily take action in what He tells you to do. I, God, truly knows

what each believer needs. You within yourself, do Not know this. Only I, God, knows How to cast out, cut-off

every chief, every evil spirit, every principality, every power, every fallen angel, every wicked spirit, every

celestial beings, and every kingdom of darkness from within a believer’s being.

A school of deliverance from man can lock you into a system of, How to deliver, and my Holy Spirit can be hampered.

You could become hesitant to operate in my New. You can hone in from their experiences, There are some who do freely.

flow in my gift of deliverance, but many do not. Deliverance Books written and Schools of training cannot write

about or teach you all of my New that I will spontaneously give to you, while I stand with My Brides who bring

my gift of deliverance to another one of my Beloved believers. I, God, do Not operate in a system, nor does my

Son, and certainly My Holy Spirit of Power and Glory does Not.

My Warrior Remnant Brides will understand. Those who are not My Brides will Not understand deliverance

or pursue my gift for themselves or for other believers. My gift must be Self-maintained on a daily

basis. My Believing Brides will continue to purify themselves for the Groom and for the wedding feast.

Ask me what I am saying and I will tell you, My Beloved.

My Brides must be filled with My Authority, A Bride must be Balanced. My Brides will do all of

My Sons Works and His Greater Works which a few of My Sons Brides are already doing.

Do you know what My word “Essential” means, and How to apply it to your lives? Too Many Believers in My

body Who claim to follow My Son, Jesus, have Put aside My Gift of Deliverance and My Gift of Purification.

They feel they do Not need them. They are foolish, because They all go hand in hand,

Deliverance and Purification as does Deliverance and Healing, all intertwine.

Believers around the world, Church leaders, Pastor’s, their board members and their congregations

have buried My precious gift of deliverance. My Son’s ministry, He brought to My earth.

These Believers, Church leaders, Pastors, Board members, their congregations have locked up, deep within their

Hearts, vaults of denial and silence. Many foolish, untrained believers have played around with My gift of

deliverance, they practice on other innocent believers who are looking for relief. But they themselves are filled

with evil spirits. This untrained practice, allows the Kundalini counterfeit spirit and other demonic spirits to

emerge in furry, and these spirits have been given a right to enter into the believer receiving deliverance, and

they even have a right to enter or increase into the believer who is attempting My gift of deliverance.

A few of the assignments of the Kundalini spirit is to produce a counterfeit of my Holy Spirit. This spirit

within a person whether they are lost, or saved, will slowly destroy and fragment their soul, Torment their mind

and can cause the body to either be sick, crippled, diseased or cause all three ailments to appear all at once, or

one or more of them to appear in their body during their lifetime. My gift of deliverance has been greatly

Misused for decades upon decades. “How has this happened? or Why?” One word will explain the ignorance-

to this essential gift, It is summed up in One Word, and that word is “Fear.” What do I declare in my Holy Word,

How to approach Fear? Many of you right now are seeing my

scripture verse pop up before your eyes or it is coming up into your mind from your memory.

What did I declare?

You are correct. My verse which declares; Fear nothing, Not even Fear itself. For who does fear belong to?

Yes, the evil one, that old serpent, that devil, who is in the second heaven of blackness reigning as a false god.

And to his right stands the anti-christ waiting for the command from the devil to go to the earth, to arise and to

make sure that all of the earths inhabitants are memorized with a false peace of safety and security, While the

devil will kill, steal, destroy, Bringing death, doom, and gloom to those God has created. But remember, I am still

there with those inhabitants, I will pursue them. And standing to the left of the devil is one who the devil calls,

the ancient-one. The devil has made a Mockery of my Holy Trinity! with himself as God, his son the anti-christ,

his false spirit, the ancient-one. A copied Mockery of my Holy Throne Room. I am God, I am The Alpha and the

Omega, I am The First, and The Last. Jesus is the Christ Child, My only begotten Sinless-Matchless Son, who

is seated to my Right and to my left is not an ancient one for I, God, I Am the Ancient

My Holy Ghost, My Spirit who will Baptize with My Power and My Glory.

It is My Spirit who will First come upon you, the second you believe, the second you ask My son to live inside

your Heart, Your House that I God will fill with My love. My Love will transform your house into

a Home. A dwelling place where Heaven and Earth will reside as one.

To those who have are born-again of my son and are not baptized in the power of my Spirit,

Ask My Holy Spirit who is upon you,

who is standing next to you, who is waiting to fill you.

Ask my Spirit to live in you, to dwell inside your man-spirit, to baptize you in My Power.

My Power and Glory is now available to you, anytime, anywhere, to receive, to fill, to baptize you,

Then you will have power to engage into warfare in the Heavenlies – On My Earth.

Heaven and Earth will be One in your Life and I God will open up your eyes to See what I declare for You to See .

My Brides- Keep on being My Obedient, Open vessels.

who will allow My Spirit of power to flow through You in signs, wonders, miracles. Be a Bride who will

engage in spiritual Warfare. A Bride Flowing in My Strategies which My Son has

trained you in. Be daily filled with My Holy Spirit, He will increase His power within you every time you ask.

Do You need proof of this in my word? I will speak to you on what you should hear.

Don’t be so quick to hear the many pastors or teachers who want dominion over your faith.

Many are Wrong in what they Preach or Teach.

Look in the book of John chapter 14 verse 16,

“And I will pray the Father, and He shall give you another Comforter,

that He MAY ABIDE with you, “Forever.”

Discern and Listen, key words, Jesus, My Son,

taught to His disciples whom He sought out, whom He chose. Are you my sons’ disciple?

Yes, You have been chosen to follow My Son, Obey Him.

The comforter who was sent will help you to endure in my sons love

as you choose to live and abide in my love.

In the next order of my word and my word has order, John chapter 14 verse 17, my son declared and still declares,

“Even the Spirit of Truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth Him not, neither

knoweth Him: but ye know Him; for He dwelleth ‘WITH’ you, and shall be ‘IN’ you.”

My Beloved, again I say, when you receive my son, Jesus, into your heart you are re-birthed with My Love.

My love lives inside of your heart, which is your house, your home. My Heavenly home dwelleth inside of you. But You

must ask for my Comforter, my Holy Spirit to come live inside of you, to fill

your Heart Home, Your mind, Your body, Your entire being, the essence of who you

are. I created you to worship me in Spirit and in Truth, to love Me, and to come back home to Me.

You, my creation, I created you to forever dwell within My Heavenly House, My Home of LOVE in Heaven. Do You understand my beloved?

I will unlock your Hearts home with my two keys of understanding and divine knowledge. You will find my keys

in the simplicity of two, three or four words within the words I have written in my Holy Scriptures or Words that I speak.

It will be MY Beloved Brides who will move out in MY Keys of Signs, Wonders, Miracles. For it will

be My Beloved Brides who Hold my Keys deep within the house of their Hearts. It will be my Beloved

Brides who will use those keys to unlock the doors of the Hearts of those whose Homes are Locked up tight

by the enemy, from their traumatic events, or because they themselves have sinned, or others who have sinned

against them and also the sins of their ancestors who lived before them. These sins have given the evil one and his

kingdom the rights to the keys of these sins which they have now attached to their key rings.

It is why My Son’s ministry of Deliverance must arise, it must be Alive inside my Brides in order to flow through

MY Beloved Brides. My Brides who have been delivered themselves and continue on with their daily deliverance

and Purification with my Son. Brides who maintain their deliverance & healing.

My Words to best describe ‘Deliverance’ is simply ‘PURIFYING’ a believing Bride who follows My son, Jesus, is

engaged to my Son, They are Betrothed. A Bride will purify oneself to be free of spot and wrinkle.

My purification, My gift of Deliverance will Transform a believer into a Bride. My Bride is one who shines as the

sun from the inside/out. My Bride will be White as Snow.

Oh, my Beloved, I want to baptize you in ways you do not even know exist yet, But if I dwell within you and

you in me and if you pursue to become a purified bride with no Spot, which is sin, and no Wrinkle, which is

Unforgiveness, Then When my Son comes for His Bride, Your Pure White, spotless, wrinkle Free, Wedding Gown

will be slipped over your heads, Up and Away you will ascend, your eyes will behold your groom who is

standing in Colorful Clouds of My Glory with His Hosts, Just waiting to Marry You. I, God, will officiate your

wedding ceremony to my Son, The Trumpets will Sound. And I, God will shout, “Let The Wedding Feast Begin!

Remember, I am the only one who knows the date, the hour, the time.

My heart grieves, for if I would send my son this day, Tuesday, March 16, 2021, at this current hour of 1:37 p.m.,

Only a small handful of Purified Brides would I hold in my Right Hand. Would I be holding you in my hand?

It is My Beloved, Powerful, Remnant Brides whom I will do My Great and Mighty Signs, Wonders, and

Miracles through them, In the Power of My Holy Spirit whom dwelleth and Lives within them.

My Brides who are filled with…

My Love, My Obedience, My Wisdom, My Knowledge,

My Discernment of Truth and Lies, My Seven Spirits who hold My Power.

My Brides Who drink water from my springs and eat fruit from my tree of


I Sound the Trumpets from Zion, Arise up my Brides and take Your Positions, Conquer your Lands

with the Authority I have given each one of you, in the name of my Son, Jesus, Yeshua, The King of Kings

and The Lord of Lords. With a loud Voice Declare His Name, Know the Power of His Blood which holds my DNA,

let it FLOW out from within you as Living Water of Life to set All the Captives Free.

My Holy Spirit will pour my Living Water out from within you and into the lives of dry believers. Believers who

reside inside and outside of your Church buildings with all their busy programs, conferences, and ministries.

I see the many Believers around the world who are alone or congregate together, but they are Powerless,

They do Not allow my Holy Spirit to have His complete way in their lives or in their gathering places where they

assemble. My True Remnant Brides Obey me. I send them. I assemble them. One with one, or Two with two is

assembling, is congregating. “For when Two or more are gathered in my name, I will be in the midst of them.”

I want you to BE My body who is alive, When-Ever and Where-Ever you gather together, Do you understand?

Ask Me, if when you are assembling with other believers, Are they worshiping Baal? If They are,

Then you are too, I will tell you the numbers and letter of Baals contract which has been in disguise as the 501c3.

Are you too under Baals contract? if your answer to me is Yes, then it is your choice to RUN AWAY, Leave that

congregation, Leave that pastoral teaching before you to become so dry that the

wind of the enemy will stop the purpose I have for you and your pool of living water in me will dry up.

I will tell you, My beloved, Where to gather and Who to assemble with. I, God, will help keep you from

the Worship of Baal. Come to me My Beloved, My Bride, I love you, Worship only Me, My Son, My Holy Spirit

and all will be Well with You!

Praise the Lord our God! Thank you Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

What Powerful words to apply to my life and yours. Thanks for coming to God’s Bridal Website.

I am led to close with these words from Gods Holy Bible;

“If Ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth on the Right Hand of God. Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth. For Ye are dead, and your life is hid with Christ in God. When Christ who is our life, shall appear, then shall Ye also appear with Him in Glory.” Colossians 3:1-4.


  1. Larry Wahler

    AMEN and Thank You for Sharing!

    • Jamie Wilson

      Hi Larry,

      Praise God as He Loves it when we come together to encourage each other
      You have the gift of Encouragement! You encourage myself and others
      to grow deeper in Him, Our God, Our Savior and Our Holy Spirit!
      Have a Tremendous God Day, Today, and Every Day that is yet to come!
      Bless You, Forever!

  2. Kristen


    • Jamie Wilson


      Glory To God, Kristen, You discern the Words that He Speaks to us His Body.
      May Our God increase His Love inside of You! May He Bless
      You with Unlimited Favor, Joy, Love and Hope. What He has in Store
      for you is “Off The Charts!” Go God, Bless Kristen with every Breath
      that she Breaths in You, for She Truly is Your Beautiful, Remnant
      Bride of Christ. Thank You for sharing at God’s Bridal community Website.
      Luv You.

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