In book- one, “Heaven’s Chambers,” chapter eight (surprise chamber) I share many of my angel manifestations and the various forms angels have appeared and continue to appear to me on this earth. I saw one of my guardian angels whom I consider to be my ‘warrior angel’ appear to me in his glorious form one day in our ministry building, it was at the time when we lived in Wisconsin. My angel manifested an hour or so after my son, myself, and one of our young male teens who came to our youth church/teen center, had fought and won a battle with a demonic spirit. This spirit made itself known to us by taking our plastic object, which was a replicate of a white toilet seat we had setting out as a fun decoration in one of our public bathrooms. This plastic toilet had a battery sensor in it so when movement went past it, the object would sing tunes or say funny bathroom comments. The object was a small plastic replica of a mini toilet and our teens and young adults who came to our ministry building thought it was funny. This fun object would open up conversation with our teens who were more introverted and quiet.

This object was turned to the on switch and it really startled our young teen when he was cleaning this bathroom and the toilet started to say it’s phrases and he came out running out the bathroom. My son and I went back into the bathroom with him. My son then took out the battery so the sensor wouldn’t work, but when he set it back on the bathroom shelf the object kept singing and saying comments even with the battery removed. This was electronically impossible. I just laughed and thought it was funny because I knew exactly what was going on. The demonic body-less spirit had decided to enter into this plastic toilet to play games with us by trying to scare us, but I told it to leave. I enjoyed teaching this young male teen how to beat the enemy.

After this my son left to go home, but this young man and myself saw my angel appear as we were standing in the hallway after saying good-by to my son. I discerned immediately who he was when I saw him. I asked this young man if he saw him too and he said, “YES.” His face looked stunned. I ran up to my angel and while I stood in front of him I began jumping up trying to point to his head while explaining to this young man this was one of my guardian angels. He was extremely tall and I never did jump high enough to even touch his head. I am sure the angel thought I was funny, but all he did was stand there looking straight ahead while he glowed in the glory cloud of God. I love living in God and flowing in His Spirit, I also love to see others experience God’s glory power at any given moment whether in a battle or simply living their lives in Christ every day.

This angel image below is another picture the Lord led me to find. It is an exact likeness to what I saw that day and I’m sure that foolish demon was terrified when he saw my warrior angel standing with us in battle!

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