My Story

My Story

Hi there! How are you today? I am Great! I’m Jamie Wilson and this is my Story page.

In 2011, Jesus asked me to write a book to share some of my chamber experiences, revelations, training, assignments and battles with darkness. My books are tools of encouragement for all believers to rise up to seek out Jesus, to be trained, one on one in becoming a purified Bride without spot or wrinkle. A Bride who will live in His power as His Remnant Warrior Bride. We must begin to purify ourselves and learn how to be trained “first and foremost” by Jesus and I have experienced a Great place to begin, is in the Chamber.

It’s important to allow the Holy Spirit to have His way through us, his open vessels, wherever we are as we come and go in our God every day. Heaven and Earth will operate as “ONE” in the life of a bridal believer. A bride who will know the strategies of Heaven and the strategies of the kingdom of darkness. A bride who continues to operate in the name of Jesus and does understand the power of His blood. The name and the blood which will defeat all evil darkness.

My first book was originally titled, “Up and IN, Experiences from Heaven’s Chambers” and was published in December of 2012 and was available for purchase under that title for 5 years. In 2018 Jesus asked me to begin a book series. He asked me to take the Up and In, Experiences From Heaven’s Chambers book out of print. He, Jesus, led me and my husband Jay, my publisher, to add in a few of His new words and change up a few sentences while keeping the story line the same. I was to update and republish this book under a new title, “Heaven’s Chambers” and in 2019 it was published and available for purchase. With that, the beginning of the Heaven’s Chambers Book Series. My second book, “Heaven and Earth as One, is complete and ready for purchase here at our website by clicking on “Order Books.” I am currently writing my third book. My first set of three books will be complete in the near future and the second set of three are already in the making.

I have been married to Jay Wilson since August 3, 1991. Jay married into an instant family with three young boys. Together Jay and I have a daughter. Their ages are 43, 40, 35, and 31 respectively. We have two daughters-in-law, one son-in-law and five grandchildren.

God miraculously put Jay and I together, but that is a story for another time. I don’t believe there is a soul mate to marry as the world declares. For me, Jesus is the only mate I want invading my soul, but I do believe that for people who are not married God will bring a compatible mate to them if they ask Him for one. I also believe if they miss out on the first one He has chosen for them to marry He can send another one.

Jay and I decided when we married that “Divorce” would never be a word spoken in our marriage or joked about in any way, shape, or form, or spoken as a tool of revenge. We have a strong marriage on the inside/out because we are both “first” married to Jesus and second married to each other. We are united as one in Him in this marriage. “Marriage is not just finding the right person, it is Being the right person.”

We currently live in the area of Asheville, North Carolina and absolutely love it here! This is our promised land. Jesus asked us to leap here to NC and we obeyed. Jay and I were born and grew up in Wisconsin. I began my new powerful life in Christ when I was 23 years old, and Jay began his when he was 13. God called Jay at 18 to be in youth ministry so he moved out in that direction and became a pastor. Jay became a licensed ordained minister from an organization which is NOT a 501c3 corporation, shortly after we arrived in our North Carolina Promised Land. He is not silenced by the government, and he is free to be a minister. God has appointed Jay and I to be entrepreneurs who minister in freedom to the lost and saved in Christ. We are Remnant Warrior Brides who are not locked up into any man-made church system. I am also using my gift of writing and Jay is using his gift of accounting and business management as a Certified Public Accountant, owning His own public accounting firm as we reach out every day in God’s love to others.

God began to give us revelation of the dangers of being a part of a 501c3 Tax-Exempt organization when we arrived here in North Carolina on April, 24, 2011. God let us visit three 501c3 churches but never let us plug in permanently to any of them. We were sent in to encourage and rise up the Brides, out of those three churches only one believer rose up to be a Remnant Bride. Then after the third church, God directed us to completely stay out of 501c3 organizations unless He released us to go into one. Agreement with section 501(c)3 is a tax-exempt status and believe it or not, it is the worship of Baal due to the spirit of the legislation. Because the Leadership/Pastor of the church organization signed the government’s agreement, it makes the whole church along with those who visit, come into a binding agreement that places the Federal government as their head and not Jesus. Jesus shared with me that believers should ask Him how to spiritually be set free from this binding and how to physically leave or dissolve this status. He always makes a Way!

The First Amendment to our Constitution guarantees freedom to exercise our religion and speak as we choose. Churches do not need to apply to the IRS to receive Tax-Exempt status as listed in the IRS code section 501 (c)3. It is automatic and according to the First Amendment in our Constitution the freedom to speak should not be restricted as section 501 (c)3 requires. Section 501 (c)3 requires that churches do not attempt to influence political campaigns or legislation. In agreeing to abide by these stipulations, the Federal Government becomes the head of your church. A charity who follows Christ could just become a “For Profit” organization and avoid this agreement and subjection to the government.

Even prior to 2011, as early as 1991, God began to reveal to Jay and I the first piece of this puzzle. He told us back then that giving financial offerings to this organization was considered blood money in His eyes. God began to show us even then issues with the man-made religious church system. It is a religious church box, in a church building, that can become inbred with believers doing church activities that are comfortable and attend church while never being the true Remnant Bride. When they gather they do not allow the Holy Spirit to have His absolute way in their meetings or be outward reaching toward the lost. The pastor often becomes the congregants only means of hearing from God, thus taking the place of Jesus as their first and “only” connection to God. Jesus continues to train us on the pit falls of the 501c3 status even today.

Our God, His son, Jesus, and His Holy Spirit are so mysterious. Our Triune God surely knows exactly how to train us as individuals and as a married couple while giving us protection during our training. We Bridal believers have a responsibility to obey Him as He continues to give us increased revelations. As His children, each one of us are accountable in Him for the truth He reveals to us and we must listen and obey. If not, we will suffer the consequences. I praise Jesus that He will always respond to any believer when they ask Him for His help and get them out of their own free will messes. Jesus will stand them up, dry their tears, and in Love encourage them to try it again. Jesus will pick them up from where they paused in time for a bit. If we Love God we will obey Him and we obey Him because we Love Him.

For the first thirteen or fourteen years of our marriage we were plugged into ministries where I taught Sunday School while Jay lead bible studies, running the sound board and then together as a couple in leading the youth group in our church. In 1999 God began to break us out of that church and we now realize it was the beginning of breaking us out of The church. We were led to pastor the youth group at a newly formed church in a town 15 miles from where we were living. The Lord kept moving us forward in our purpose and in 2005 we were given the assignment to pioneer and pastor Cornerstone Youth Church, also in that same community. After that five year assignment, Jesus asked us if we would leap to our Promised Land here in North Carolina. We faithfully leapt saying, “YES.”

We treasure the pictures and videos we have taken over the years to reminisce and remember how each teen and young adult life was changed by God’s love through us. It means so much to us how willing they have been to accept Jesus as their savior, be baptized in His spirit, and be willing to learn how to engage in spiritual warfare as God’s open vessels. They were “Closely” watching us and learning from our examples as we spoke truth to them and they saw first hand our real lives in Christ with all the good and evil each of us have experienced and continue to experience. They saw and heard how God, Jesus, and His powerful Holy Spirit were real to us and active in our lives 24/7. We were believers who did what we said we would do. We followed through and loved them for who they are. Gods beautiful creations who He loved, adored and had a purpose and plan for them. A three in one God who wants to communicate with them. They felt His Love in so many ways. I remember how much fun it was to love them and to do stuff with them as well as with our own children. The simplicity of just sitting in comfortable chairs and having them tell us about their God talks “one on one” with the Father made all the material stuff in the world fade away because nothing could ever replace what was accomplished by sitting in those chairs.

God is constantly teaching and training us as individuals and together as a married couple in Christ. We daily do His works and are even doing His greater works. And You Can Too! He has asked us to have tools of encouragement for the body of Christ by writing books about our bridal life and to present this Bridal website. He designed the website to be a place for His body of believers to find encouragement as they browse around with the ability to make comments and tell of their God experiences for others to read. Our Site is what I call, “Brides on the cloud” where each believer can share their lives in Christ on whatever social media devise they have available. It was designed to have several venues for you to make comments and especially at your very own page called, “Your Happenings”

The website was also designed by Jesus to be available for you, day or night, wherever and whenever you would like. You have the option to read what I write about, our true reality life we have been living for so very many years as “Brides on the Move” or discover how to begin to purify yourself, to take a leap and experience your own Heavenly Chamber dwelling place, Jesus built just for You! To know you too, Can and Will live a Fun and Exciting Life in His glory power, Twenty four Seven, “Naturally – Supernaturally” I share my book interviews, audio-podcasts, real God manifestation videos, prophetic words, revelations and so much more on the website and Chamber experiences in my book series. Several experiences we are sharing for the First Time. I have hundreds of Journals I have written in with hundreds of experiences. I love to Journal all the time. So I will never run out of memories of our older experiences or New experiences which are happening to us daily.

You, my readers, are welcome to continue to return often, to check out the website and books which are available at the “order Book” Page through Amazon or order any books through Barnes and Nobel’s or from one of your favorite book stores. I encourage you to Grab your favorite cup of coffee, sit back and relax as you read my First chapter called “Supernatural Chamber” from my First Book, “Heaven’s Chambers” and/or the first chapter “Again Chamber” in my second book “Heaven And Earth As One” at our order book page. And most important is…. that all of these tools have been designed by Jesus, with you in mind, His beloved! The website and book series will grow and increase as the lord has planned. He loves coming up with His New ideas and it’s Never Boring.

Jay and I have been called by Jesus to be Bridal leaders in the body of Christ, not only by example, but to also encourage each believer in His body to rise up, to seek out Jesus first and foremost, to daily purify themselves, to be trained in spiritual warfare so they will intercede for all people, of all ages, and from all nationalities. To know that they too can experience and see God’s glory, His supernatural will become visible. And as we, Believers, continue to look up to Heavens Throne Room, we will be filled with the love of the Father, as it naturally pours out from His Heart and right into ours and then out from us and right into the lives of people all around us. What an incredible Love Cycle! We truly desire to love all people as the Father loves them. To let them know they have the opportunity to be set free from all darkness so they will fulfill their full purpose on earth as Chamber Brides of Christ. Brides who will readily bask in His love and Obedience. And they will repeat His cycle of Love out to all people on this His majestic Earth. All around His world. They will be Living with Heaven and Earth, Operating as ONE in their lives.

It is good to set aside some time everyday to be drawn up and into your very own “Chamber in Heaven” to BE with Jesus our creator. He is waiting for each one of you to walk right into your own secret chamber to dwell in His presence. To be trained by the Master, to ‘daily’ be purified, so we, the body of Christ, will move out every second of every day in His Love and in His glory power. Jesus will open up our eyes to see His glory activity which is “always” existing around us. We are to move-out in His authority. We are to daily flow in His love. We can choose to BE His New Movable Remnant Bridal Congregation. I can’t wait to see how this is all going to unfold in the coming days ahead as we, His Brides, link arms together, Supernaturally!

Click on the “Categories” links to the right to see postings and discussions that you can take part in. Let’s have fun together encouraging each other toward a close relationship with our Father.