Look Up

Look Up

Today is May 28, 2019. It was after 7:00 p.m. and I decided to go on my regular walk around our mountain community we live in. It is a beautiful warm day and I had not yet been able to spend any time outside. Before I left, I was going to grab my cell phone in case God decided to show me something new so I could snap a picture of it or take a video. But at the last minute I decided to not take it. It had only been five minutes into my walk when something in the sky caught my attention. I stopped to get a better look and realized it was not a plane or a bird. As I gazed the object I saw began to descend down as if it wanted me to get a better glimpse of it.

I saw the most beautiful masculine white winged angel who was dressed in the whitest, white robe I have ever seen in my life. His hair seemed to be white as well as his body, but his body looked like the body of a man which was fully dressed in a one-piece robe which seemed to cover his feet. His wings looked extremely soft, yet strong, and powerful. Each massive white feather seemed to be placed in perfect alignment which resembled a beautiful hand-stitched-quilted like pattern. His two massive, long wings were moving up and down with elegant grace. I watched him fly for at least three minutes and then I slowly saw him dissolve. I continued my walk and by the time I walked only a minute I looked up and saw him again as he descended down to give me another look which lasted for another three minutes and as he flew, He was looking at me. His body was so fluent as he flowed-freely. I felt so loved by God and I knew this angel loved me too. I could feel their love soaring inside me as I watched him soar above me in the sky. I thanked God and said, “I am never leaving my phone at home, again.” Then I saw in my minds-eye, my Father, wink at me and I chuckled. As I continued my walk, I knew this masculine winged angel was with-out ceasing circling the community we live in while he was assigned to keep an eye out for me.

I finished my walk about 15 minutes later and then Jesus asked me to walk to our back yard. I remembered a 6 oz can of sparkling water had fallen off from our deck the day before, so I went over to where it had fallen and picked it up. I then continued to walk down our small slope in our back yard and onto the flatter part of our yard and walked a short distance to the edge of the riverbank which flows in our back yard. But before I began to walk down the slope I looked down at the ground and I saw a small clump of pretty white tipped bird feathers. The feathers looked as if they were placed there for me to find and I knew they were a confirmation, a sign from God to tell me I did see what I saw. I also knew that what I saw was indeed visible on the earth for any person to see or able to snap a picture of the flying angel or take a video. I remember there was a gentleman who was also looking at this strange object the same time I was but neither one of us said anything to each other. The man looked up saw something and then went back to doing his yard work while I stood gazing up at this beautiful, created celestial being. So sad this man dismissed this wonderful display of God’s love.

Well, after I stood by the river’s edge for a while I headed back up to our house and walked back to the clump of feathers which were still there. So, I picked them up and after taking only a few steps I saw on the ground there were the exact same white tipped feathers but only two were lying on the ground together, so I picked them up too. I walked to the front door of our house and the Lord asked me to place them a certain way so I could use my cell phone to take a video and a picture of His two confirmation signs. (My picture is displayed at the top of this post.) These feathers are my visible reminders to keep and to remind me that what I saw is Heaven invading earth as one.

I went into the house and shared with my husband, Jay, all that happened and then God began to download into myself and to Jay additional revelation of who this angel was. This angel is one of the angels who has been sent by God to dwell inside of my gold portal and this angel along with several other angels who are inside my portal stay there while waiting for their God assignments. These angels are called “Delivery Angels.” So, this angel I saw today, will soon be delivering something special to me and Jay.

I love all the “sudden” things God has in store for each one of us. You have your very own portal with your very own angels on assignments sent by God too. They are just hanging out in your portal to do the Father’s bidding. MY what an AWESOME and LOVING God we Serve! Have a great God Day and I would love to pray for you so feel free to write to me any of your prayer requests or comments as there are many comment sections on our website for you to share with me! You matter and are Loved! Luv you Guy’s and keep looking up, you never know what you will see!

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