
Make Yourself at Home

Grab your favorite cup of coffee and make yourself at home. Have fun browsing my progressive website, especially the “Good God Trouble” page as I will continue to share with you additional experiences and encounters that occur continuously. Heaven and Earth operates as one in my life supernaturally and it can happen in your life too! . . .

Spiritual Insight

The Holy Spirit desires to open up our eyes to see the spiritual activity going on around us like His glory sparks, His glory glows, and His glory waves. There is movement of His angels as well and we can get glimpses of their white flowing garments or their glistening spiritual forms. The Holy Spirit loves to trave and desires to take us places . . .

You and Me

He knows you and He knows me. In His image (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit) we were created…

Step Into His Spirit

Be filled with the Spirit. Be a Bridal Warrior believer who can easily step into His Spirit. At a moments notice! …

Coffee and My Book

Two great combination to curl up with in your favorite spot. A steaming coffee, latte, or cappuccino while reading the first book in the Heaven’s Chambers series…